The Inquiry Cycle

Tuning in: in this session we explore the inquiry cycle. Although there are many cycles used in inquiry spaces around the world, this one is based on the powerful work of Kath Murdoch.

Trevor examines the cycle and invites you to begin using this resource as a means to plan for inquiry in your classroom. Remember, implementing this cycle will take time. Consider taking small steps at first with an eye on larger and more lasting change in your teaching. Tinker with tuning in. Explore finding out. Make connections to questioning protocols when you engage in sorting out. Whatever the phase in the inquiry cycle, ensure you take time to pause and reflect and that you provide the safe space and structure for your students to do so as well. Consider documenting these reflections as evidence of learning.

Learning objectives include:

  • to create a deeper understanding of inquiry-based learning.

  • to create a common language of inquiry in your practice and with your colleagues.

  • to begin to use the inquiry cycle to plan learning experiences.

Pause and reflect: print off the inquiry cycle resource below. Let’s make some connections to a unit of study you have planned and will use in the coming weeks.

  • when you compare the resource to your plan, what do you notice?

  • take some time to make connections and identify which phases of inquiry that already exist in the learning you are preparing for your students.

  • which phases of inquiry are not included in your current plan? What steps can you take to bring these to the learning you are preparing for your students?

  • keep this pdf close by as you continue to plan learning experiences throughout the year. Over time, your planning should engage in all of these phases.

Share and make meaning together: the centre of the cycle is reflection. With this in mind, what reflective processes and structures will you utilize to support the implementation of the Inquiry Cycle? As you nurture safe reflection with your students, you will have a rich opportunity to learn from them and have their sharing shape your planning and teaching. What is working? What is not? What are your next steps? How can you differentiate to better meet the needs of all of your learners? In their sharing you will make new meaning together.

Extend your learning: snap a photo of you and/or your team/faculty using the Inquiry Cycle pdf in your planning. Share the photo to the PLN platform of your choice using the #inquirymindset hashtag. Let us know what phase of the cycle you are discussing and how you are collaboratively planning using the resource.


Read this article by Trevor titled Four Inquiry Qualities At The Heart of Student-Centered Teaching

Download and print off the Inquiry Cycle pdf here.

Bonus offering:

Watch this short reflection as Trevor shares thoughts with Press Play on Key Tips for Inquiry Teachers.