Translated Sketchnotes
Educators from around the world have helped to translate some of the images from Dive, Inquiry Mindset Elementary Edition and Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition. If you would like to translate a version please let us know at our contact page so we can begin working together. Check back to this space for additions.
English Versions
The entire collection of sketchnotes for you to download for your English speaking context.
French Translations
A vast collection of French images for you to bring to your French speaking classrooms, students, colleagues, and schools.
European Spanish Translations
Another breadth of images for Spanish speaking contexts. Simply download, print, and inquiry!
Arabic Translations
Yes, these images have been translated for Arabic speaking educators and learners! Inquiry Mindset Elementary Edition has also been translated and is available with Tarsheed Publications.
European Portuguese Translations
Access the Portuguese translations below. We are incredibly grateful for our friends at St Dominic's International School for their help with these.
Turkish Translations
Thank you to Dr. Ece Genis for these translations.
Mandarin Translations
If you would like to help translate more of the collection into Mandarin, please connect with us.
Croatian Translations
Again, if you would like to help translate more of the collection into Croatian, please connect with us.
South American Spanish Translations
We are thrilled to share this collection with you! More available soon.
South American Portuguese Translations
The entire collection is available!