Building a Culture of Trust & Relationship

Tuning in: in this offering Trevor examines how we can begin to build strong relationships with our students so there is safety, trust, and belonging in our classrooms. Further, he proposes that as teachers create the conditions for strong relationships with their students, learners have the rich opportunity to get to know one another and, in turn, get to know themselves. Trevor also speaks to creating a culture of learning where risk taking and vulnerability blossom over time.

Learning objectives include:

  • to consider how our first interaction with our students reflect what we truly value in our classrooms.

  • to explore learner profile resources.

  • to reflect on our own teaching practice including understanding our biases and how we can best support all of our learners.

Pause and reflect: after viewing, please reflect on your values in the classroom. Make a list of 5 values.

How do your first interactions with your students reflect these values?

How do your lessons in your initial weeks with your students align with these values?

Further, what is one strategy you utilize to begin to get to know your students? How are you building a community of learners that will provide the foundation for trust, curiosity, and greater agency throughout your time with your learners?

Share and make meaning together: as prompted throughout the video, engage in sharing relationship building strategies with your team, faculty, department, or staff. As ideas are shared, which resonate most with you? Which ideas would you like to add to your repertoire? Which strategies would you like to see become cultural at your school?

Extend your learning: explore the resources below and add them to your unit design planning throughout the first weeks of your time with students. Gather what your students share with you. Reflect on how this evidence can inform your planning. Bring what they share to how you engage and interact with them. What do you notice?


The Inquirer Profile resource is a learner inventory that helps teachers get to know their students more deeply. Further, it helps students get to know themselves and in doing so, engage in learning more personally.

The Student Learner Reflective Journal is a resource for students to reflect and write their own learner narrative.

The Educator Learner Reflective Journal is a resource for teachers to reflect and begin to explore getting to know their students more deeply to better support them in their learning.

Bonus offering:

Watch this short reflection as Trevor shares thoughts with Press Play on Transparency in Inquiry.