What is ‘Inquiry-Based Learning’?

Tuning in: in this session we explore a definition of inquiry-based learning and unpack what we mean when we talk about teaching from an inquiry stance. Schools and organizations that embrace common language around inquiry are more likely to see a positive impact on student achievement, attendance, and engagement in their students than schools and organizations that do not. Please be ready with a notebook and pen as you will be prompted to reflect throughout this offering.

Learning objectives include:

  • to create a deeper understanding of inquiry-based learning.

  • to create a common language of inquiry in your practice and with your colleagues.

  • to reflect on areas in which you can continue to grow in your inquiry practice.

Pause and reflect: after viewing, how do the following elements of inquiry surface in your current teaching?

  • students are involved in their learning

  • students investigate

  • questions are an underpinning of inquiry

  • students build new understandings, meanings, and knowledge

  • learning is shared in a public manner

What specific evidence demonstrates the above elements of your teaching practice are apparent in how you plan for learning in your instructional design? Write a list or series of bullets under each of the above elements of inquiry. Try and be as thorough and comprehensive of your teaching as you can.

Next, narrow your focus on one of these elements and perhaps even one of your bullets. Take some added time to search for and locate student evidence of this element or bullet from your teaching experience. You will be called on to bring this evidence to a team meeting and explain how it illustrates the element or bullet you have selected.

Share and make meaning together: share your reflection from above with a colleague, your team/department, or if prompted at a staff meeting.

How does the evidence your located represent teaching from an inquiry stance?

In reflecting on these elements, what do you see as your inquiry strengths? What do you see as your inquiry stretches?

As you engage in this critical discourse with your colleague, team, or staff, consider how what you are hearing could impact your practice and help you more fully teach from an inquiry stance. What are the takeaways from this collaborative sharing that could impact the stretches you have identified?

Extend your learning: take your reflections and your new understandings and consider sharing them to the PLN platform of your choice using the #inquirymindset hashtag. Consider using this image as you share one way in which this definition is evident in your teaching.


Read this article by Trevor titled Bringing Inquiry-Based Learning Into Your Class.

Explore the Alberta Focus on Inquiry resource of which Trevor cites in this offering.

Listen to this STEM Ed Podcast titled Unpacking Inquiry.

Bonus offering:

Watch this short reflection as Trevor shares thoughts with Press Play on the 3 Realms of Inquiry.