This is exciting news! My fourth publication is currently in editing and due to be released in just a few short months. This project has been years in the making and I cannot wait to share it with you all! The book is titled Inquiry Mindset Questions Edition and helps teachers harness, sort and organize, and leverage student generated questions to help shape and guide learning. I wrote this book because of things teachers were asking me as we worked together in inquiry…
“I have questions from my students, now what?”
“The questions students are asking lack depth. What can I do?”
“Sometimes, it’s difficult to connect student generated questions to the curriculum standards. Any tips?”
“Student questions start our inquiry, but they are not sustained throughout the inquiry. How can I make the curiosity last?”
So, as I have done in all of my publications, I took a good hard look at my own practice and began to share the ways in which I support building question competence in my classroom, how we capture and organize student questions in inquiry, and how student questions formative shape our learning in a powerful and ongoing manner.
That’s what Inquiry Mindset Questions Edition is all about!
Inquiry Mindset Questions Edition provides 10 high impact question routines. These structures help teachers and students harness, sort and organize, and leverage questions to actually create the direction of learning in a sustained manner. Each question routine can be used across grade levels, subjects and contexts, as well as at different times in the school year. Overall, the intent of #InquiryMindset Questions Edition is to help nurture question competence in our students so they can have more authentic ownership in their learning experience.
The entire book is the direct result of using these question routines in schools I support around the globe. Each chapter include teacher specific reflections from colleagues who have been using this work in their own classrooms. These powerful contributions help bring the structures to life through first person advice, reflections, and photographs. I cannot wait to share these with you!
Inquiry Mindset Questions Edition tackles misconceptions about student generated questions in the classroom, explores the benefits of question routines, and unpacks the power of the provocation to spark curiosity and set the stage for the 10 high impact question routines in the book to really flourish when it comes to co-constructed inquiry. As with all of my publications, this offering is tailored to create impact in the classroom through tangible strategies that can be implemented as you read. As is true in inquiry, relevance matters and Inquiry Mindset Questions Edition is designed to softly land directly into your practice in order to impact your learners.
Stay tuned for more sharing in the coming months and other release details!