Directly from the foreword to Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition, Ron Ritchhart provides us with an assessment provocation to stir our thinking and help us get interrogative about our practice.
The Kaleidoscope of Inquiry Conference
This event has been brewing since the start of 2022 and now we are finally able to invite you all to join us!
This April 22 and 23 Chapters International is hosting myself and some of my dearest inquiry friends for a weekend of learning in one of the most beautiful cities in the world: Vancouver, BC, Canada.
8 Questions to help Foster Agency, Create Equity, and Honour Accessibility
Recently the below slides were shared on Instagram and the flood of requests led to this post being published. Consider using these questions to guide personal reflection or bring them to your team, faculty, colleagues or staff.
To access the slide deck click any of the images or download here.

Crafting Inquiry in Portland, USA
Start of Year Tips for Launching a Year in Inquiry
This short clip was recently sent out to my newsletter friends. I have had a few requests to make it public so here it is for you all. If you would like early access to similar videos, resources, and events, please consider signing on for the newsletter here.
Inquiry in Spain with Colegio Ramón y Cajal and Colegio C.E.D.E.S.
This summer I have begun some powerful work with two impressive schools in Spain: Colegio Ramón y Cajal in Madrid and Colegio C.E.D.E.S. in Albacete. These two schools are on an inquiry journey and with a redesigned competency-focused national curriculum coming their way, we are designing a growth plan that includes some significant implementation steps. We will be having my books translated and available in Spanish as well as spreading this work beyond these two campuses to others interested in inquiry. I couldn’t be more excited!
Arizona K12 Center Beginning Teacher Institute
This past week I was in Tucson, Arizona facilitating the 2nd Annual ATA Beginning Teacher Institute: The Power of Inquiry to Accelerate Learning. The Arizona K12 Center have become close pals over the years. I adore the work they do and they support they provide to teachers in Arizona. This particular event is one of many they offer, all of which aim to give educators the most current best practices in professional development.
A Special Fireside
This particular conversation is extra special. Kath has written a new book titled “Getting Personal with Inquiry Learning” published by Elevate Books Edu in partnership with Seastar Education. We will be exploring the book and discussing what she has put together to enhance what personal inquiry looks like, sounds like, and feels like. With a few decades of research, experience, and wisdom behind Kath's newest publication, I have had the pleasure of pre-reading this work and I cannot wait for it to get into your hands!
Inquiry & Assessment: EduCrush Podcast
Going Further with Inquiry: Pre-Questioning
In today’s Going Further with Inquiry IG Live conversation with Jessica Vance we began to explore what it means to harness the power of questions in our inquiry practice. This conversation really got us thinking about all the pre-work we plan for and are intentional with before we even enter our classrooms. As we know, strong planning and mindful anticipation are pivotal in helping make inquiry authentic and successful. Although I encourage you to watch the entire Live here, I wanted to share some more of my thinking in this post.