This new Types of Student Inquiry sketchnote is meant to be just that, an open invitation to the onlooker to reflect and explore. Whether it is used with educators to begin unpacking their own language to what a gradual release of responsibility over learning looks like, sounds like, and feels like, or if it is used with students to being unpacking their own role in agency in our classrooms, this image is a different entry point to the conversation than the original swimming pool sketch.
2022 South by Southwest Conference
What Would Happen If We Had More Teachers in the Classroom to Help in the Inquiry Process?
This last year was the most challenging of my career. Upon reflecting on these difficulties I have noticed many highlights, many things that worked incredibly well, and some decisions that I made that I want to revisit in the coming year. I’d like to share some of them with you here and call on you to reflect on whether what worked with my students could impact yours.
How Do Your Values Show Up on the First Day of School?
Guiding Questions Resource
Sprinkled throughout Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition are more than 200 guiding questions. Isn’t that amazing? Some of these guiding questions are for teachers to shape their planning, collaboration, implementation, and ongoing growth. Some of these guiding questions are for students to have them reflect on themselves as learners, consider their learning strengths and stretches, and to surface their curiosities and wonders. Every single questions throughout Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition has been curated for you in this Guiding Questions Resource. Each can be located under categorized uses to make bringing guiding questions to your inquiry practice easier.
Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition Release Date: May 15
Exciting news! Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition will be available May 15 on Amazon and all major book retailers. All of the free supplementary resources will become available on this date as well. For bulk orders please go here. We are looking forward to sharing this offering with the world and cannot wait for you to get your copy. Circle May 15 on your calendar!
Sneak Peek: Guiding Questions for Inquiry Teachers
As part of the release of Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition, I would like to share with you some of the sketchnotes from the book. This one is titled Guiding Questions for Inquiry Teachers. It frames chapter six, Asking the Right Questions, and encompasses eight guiding questions to support inquiry teachers in reflecting on how they can give more agency and ownership to students. The book has over 200 guiding questions throughout the chapters. These guiding questions support both teachers and students in redefining their roles in the classroom. Guiding questions truly are the secret sauce!
2 Journal Resources
Sneak Peek: Student Assessment Compass
As part of the release of Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition, I am sharing with you some of the sketchnotes from the book. This one is titled the Student Assessment Compass. It frames chapter nine and aims to support teachers in coaching and modelling the conditions for students to self-assess with accuracy, with clarity, for fulfillment, and authenticity. It offers up a visual process for teachers and students to work together in assessment to slowly, over time, have students become competent self assessors in any context.
Younger Years Resource
In writing Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition I was highly cognizant of all levels of our schools. From primary to elementary to middle to high school, and even at the post secondary level: I wanted all teachers to see themselves in this book. In order to really drive this sentiment home I called on amazing kindergarten teacher and good inquiry friend Rebecca Bathurst-Hunt to collaborate on a special resource just for educators at the younger years.