Trevor MacKenzie

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TIES 2022 Masterclass: Inquiry Mindset - Exploring a student-centred assessment experience in inquiry

I am very much looking forward to reconnecting with the global inquiry community at the Toddle Inquiry Educators Summit 2022. This year I will be facilitating a masterclass on inquiry and assessment (see below). This event has quickly become a highlight of my year. The collection of speakers and inquiry friends as well as the truly global audience of educators who attend make for a dynamic learning community that I deeply appreciate connecting with.

For more details head here and to register head here.

Trevor MacKenzie Masterclass

Inquiry mindset - Exploring a student-centred assessment experience in inquiry

Based on Trevor MacKenzie's recent book 'Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition' this educator masterclass explores how schools can push their work in inquiry further to include rich opportunities for students to be engaged in the assessment process in authentic, meaningful, and helpful ways.

Trevor will demonstrate how you can help students become assessment experts through connecting with their assessment compass, and abilities to self-assess with accuracy, clarity, authenticity, and fulfillment. Explore methods, structures, and routines to support a more student-centred assessment experience, to support your teaching from an inquiry stance.

Offering ten student-centered assessment beliefs which drive a deeper understanding assessing in the inquiry model, you are asked to consider how your own inquiry practice supports these beliefs. With resources and techniques which support the student centred assessment beliefs you can set personalized goals to incorporate them in your classroom practice. Leave the session with additional inquiry language, activities, and experiences to share with your colleagues and raise inquiry capacity across your campus.

This 60-minute masterclass will be followed by an optional 15-minute peer-driven reflection huddle, for All Access Pass holders to reflect and share learnings.